Configuring git credentials for CodeCommit and other repositories

Working with AWS CodeCommit repositories in addition to other repositories from the same git configuration can be a challenge depending on your git configuration. I’d like to share an approach that works for me when using HTTPS (instead of SSH keys) and hopefully it will be helpful for you, too. I will be describing a solution that works for macOS and MSFT VisualStudio Code.

The solution I’m going to suggest works with using static CodeCommit credentials from the Credentials section of your AWS IAM user object. An alternative solution is to use IAM keys with CodeCommit, but it requires credential helper configuration with the AWS CLI in order to handle the dynamics of IAM session management. With static git credentials, there is no need for AWS CLI integration. Either solution also requires adding a section to your $HOME/.gitconfig file for the credential being used.

I have found that it helps to break out different repositories (CodeCommit, GitLab, GitHub, etc.) into separate .git-credentials files for HTTPS access. This is because the git-credential helper logic is sensitive to credential sorting by top-level domain. For example, I’ve tried using a single .git-credentials file for multiple repos at the same top level domain and it works when a single set of credentials is used for access to all the repositories. However, if I have different credentials (e.g., different personal access tokens in GitLab) for different repositories within the same top-level domain, problems arise.

After you’ve generated your CodeCommit credentials in the IAM console for your IAM user, you will need to configure a .git-credentials file in your home directory for the repository(ies) you want access to via git commands. Let’s say we are working with a repo called “awesome-microservice” in us-east-1. Here’s what the HTTPS git credential string looks like:

Next, store this string in a file, I might name it something like:


Now that you have your credential file, we need to tell the git binaries where to find the credential. Create/update your $HOME/.gitconfig file with a new credential section for your CodeCommit credentials:

[credential ""]
  helper = store --file /Users/jsmith/.git-credentials.awesome-microservice

At this point, you should be able to clone down your repo from CodeCommit without having to input a username/password. If you have other repos to access, in CodeCommit or someplace else, you can repeat these steps if you use HTTPS and static git credentials to connect to those repos.

Gitlab Repo Best Practices

I recently had to come up with some guidelines for others to use when it comes to using shared Gitlab repositories in a CI/CD configuration. Here is my take based on my experiences so far, if you have any more to share please drop me a line/comment here.

Note: Gitlab uses the term Merge Request for what is commonly referred to in other CI frameworks as Pull Requests… just a little FYI 🙂

Gitlab Repo Usage – Best Practices and Tips

  • Create MR’s when you are at a point where you want/need to see your changes in action (i.e., merged into master, tested, and deployed).
  • If you will be making more related changes later in the branch, do not opt to have the source branch removed from the repository when submitting your MR.
  • At a minimum, you should merge at least once per day, especially if others are working on the same codebase at the same time. This makes it easier to resolve merge conflicts, which occur when two developers change the same repository content/object in their own respective branches and one merges ahead of the other.
  • Merge conflicts happen. Don’t worry if you experience one. Try to troubleshoot on your own, but if you cannot resolve it by yourself, pull in the other developer(s) whose changes are affecting your merge attempt and work together to resolve them.
  • When creating a MR, indicate in the Title whether or not it is time-sensitive by adding ” – ASAP” to the end of the Title text. This helps reviewers prioritize their review requests with minimal disruption.
  • Do NOT approve your own MR if it involves a code change. The peer-review component of Merge Requests is an opportunity to communicate and share awareness of changes on the team. That said, here are some scenarios where it is ok to approve your own MR’s:
    • you are pushing non-operational changes (e.g., comments, documentation)
    • you are the only developer available and it’s an important change or if waiting for MR review blocks progress signficantly (use good judgment)
  • When adding to a branch, keep your commits as specific as possible when modifying code. Each commit should be understandable on its own, even if there are other commits in the branch
  • Not all MR’s need to hit a pipeline. Depending on the repo pipeline configuration, some branch name filters may exist to insure a certain type of branch gets tested while other types do not. This is especially true of non-code changes (e.g., updating a README)
  • When starting new development as opposed to modifying existing code, it may make sense to create a personal repo or to use a fork of a shared repo to do a lot of iteration quickly without having to do a formal MR process in a shared repo. Once you’ve got some code ready for sharing, you can migrate it manually (copy) into the shared repo and work off MR’s going forward. Not required at all, but it can allow for more rapid iteration especially on small teams.